Post by Jeff LiebermannPost by cyclintomYeserday some agent from Sonic stopped by and in the process of trying to sell me a "cheaper" internet servive, called their optical connections "light lines".
Nope. Sonic named their fiber optic cable service "Sonic Fiber
Since AT&T pulled the plug on all the companies selling DSL, ISDN, etc
service using AT&T copper, Sonic has been selling 10 Gbits/sec as
"Standard Fiber 10 Gigabit". If you add telephone service, it becomes
"Fusion Fiber 10 Gibabit". I took the liberty of checking if Sonic
Fiber Internet is available at your house. It's available. $60/month
including phone, but not including taxes.
Incidentally, searching their site for "light lines" does not produce
Post by cyclintomI was PARTNER in a telecom company - Hawk Telephone and know telecommunications.
I'll assume that the "know" is a typo mistake. Google could find
anything in the "Hawk Telephone and telecommunications". For that
matter, searching for "Telephone and Telcommunications also failed,
probably because that's a really dumb name for a company. Telephone
is a sub-set of Telecommunications. Telecommunications by itself
would have been adequate. Incidentally, Hawk is not on your online
However, I did find something close, in Camden, New South Wales.
I didn't know you provided phone service in England.
Post by cyclintomAt least Liebermann showed everyone a picture of his degree even if he was never able to actually make use of it.
Can't stand to read the truth, so you add your graffiti to the tail
end? Anyway, it seems you're now able to successfully read URL's that
I post without having your Aunti-Virus program protect you from the
dire consequences of reading the truth. Congratulation, whatever you
did to fix it.
Now Liebermann was standing behind me listening to what was said. And he is telling us that he cannot find a reference on Hawk Telephone two decades after Robert Hawkins has died. So obviously a similar name in Australia must be what I was talking about. Exactly what is wrong with you? Cannot you see your own insane replies?
Talk about myu LinkedIn resume some more - here is yours:
Liebermann Design Self-employedLiebermann Design Self-employedJun 1984 - Dec 2020 36 yrs 7 mosJun 1984 to Dec 2020 36 yrs 7 mosSanta Cruz, California, United StatesSanta Cruz, California, United States
Computer repair, consulting, forensics, magic, and miracles.Computer repair, consulting, forensics, magic, and miracles.
Radio Frequency Engineer
Radio Frequency EngineerRadio Frequency Engineer
Intech Inc Full-timeIntech Inc Full-timeApr 1984 - Oct 1984 7 mosApr 1984 to Oct 1984 7 mosSanta Clara, California, United StatesSanta Clara, California, United States
Design of 1kw VMOS 2-30 MHz Amplifier.
Design of 40 watt VMOS driver for above.
Construction of 1kw NMR driver amp.Design of 1kw VMOS 2-30 MHz Amplifier. Design of 40 watt VMOS driver for above. Construction of 1kw NMR driver amp. see more
Radio Frequency Design Engineer
Radio Frequency Design EngineerRadio Frequency Design Engineer
Granger Assoc Full-timeGranger Assoc Full-timeJun 1981 - Jun 1983 2 yrs 1 moJun 1981 to Jun 1983 2 yrs 1 moSanta Clara, California, United StatesSanta Clara, California, United States
Designed 900MHz wireless SCADA system.Designed 900MHz wireless SCADA system.
Intech Inc Full-timeIntech Inc Full-timeJun 1973 - Jun 1981 8 yrs 1 moJun 1973 to Jun 1981 8 yrs 1 moSanta Clara, California, United StatesSanta Clara, California, United States
Designed various HF/VHF/UHF, FM/SSB/data radios.Designed various HF/VHF/UHF, FM/SSB/data radios.
Radio Frequency Engineer
Radio Frequency EngineerRadio Frequency Engineer
Standard Communications Corp Full-timeStandard Communications Corp Full-timeFeb 1973 - Jun 1973 5 mosFeb 1973 to Jun 1973 5 mosWilmington, CaliforniaWilmington, California
Design and retrofit CTCSS encoders and decoders in SCC VHF radios.Design and retrofit CTCSS encoders and decoders in SCC VHF radios.
Show all 7 experiences