Post by sms<snip>
Post by Roger MerrimanCan’t imagine is much financial value in any links here at least! With a
handful of posters, and eyes on the links!
LOL, Frank is obsessed with the fact that decades ago I had an Amazon
Affiliate account. I think that I made a total of $25 from it!
Post by Roger MerrimanIt sort of goes back to the online only is fine, but some products are
better served with bricks and mortar, or companies that have good customer
experience and so on, my rear light on the Gravel bike is a Amazon special
etc buts it’s only £10 after all always the risk of being ejected or
Bicycle lights are one item that shops in my area are not good at. If
it's a Trek tied shop then their offerings are especially mediocre.
Kinda depends on the bike shops, most of my lights are from Exposure lights
which are admittedly more expensive and upmarket than these, but they are
sold in well bike shops that sell top end stuff, of which there is one very
They Exposure are local ish as well, and where originally only diving
lights, but have moved into MTB lights, where durability power and that the
lights can be repaired, tends to keep customers.
Post by smsPost by Roger MerrimanAt the £45 plus mark I think I’d want a bit more information particularly
for a front light. Ie how close to 2k lumens is it? Gives a beam angle but
is more than that, my two big lights, both Exposure lights, are very much
the same physical light or at least case, and battery plus LED but how it’s
Gaciron doesn't appear to be using "Chi-Lumens" but actual lumens, or
close to it (at least not a 5x exaggeration!).
The numbers bear this out with a 6700mAH battery (2x3350mAH 3.63V LG
18650) and two LEDs, presumably 100-110 lumens/watt.
Yes that sounds believable but with very few reviews and certainly none
from trusted sources unlike say even stuff like Magicshine who are in the
same sort of market, but they have managed to get reviews etc.
Considering that’s it’s not a cheap light, I can find equivalent be that in
bricks and mortar or stuff like Magicshine via Amazon or the like.
Post by smsBeam angle is 125°.
That tells me the beam is wide like all other bike lights. But not how that
light is distributed.
It’s clearly not got bike specific electronics ie has the old have to cycle
through 5 modes, which if your likely to encounter folks in darker areas is
going to get really old very quickly!
My old Exposure light one can dip down to a lower level and it turns off
the spot so the beam shape is also more friendly, and I’ve seen a few
lights with similar over last few years.
Which either is a must have feature or non event depending on your
situation. I also find it triggers folks into doing the same, ie can see
the light intensity and shape changes, even if it’s just them dangling
their hand over the light!
Roger Merriman