(too old to reply)
2025-01-22 20:29:43 UTC
I think that Uber is a car ride service. After I just paid off my credit card, I purchased another set of shoes. The one's I have (tennis shoes) does not have the laces passing through a slot in the tongue. This maked them very difficult to put on. So I bought another set with the proper lacing.

In any case, directyly after I bought those shoes I did get a notice that I had bought them. But then I just noticed that I have 26 charges from Uber for a total of slightly more than $500. So, I canceled those charges and am getting a replacement card. This screws everything up since bills that I pay via check weren't being delivered so I changed to "paperless". Changing the card means that those accounts cannot access my checking account.

So, not only will I have to go back to sending a check in for those bills but taking the envelopes to the local post office to make sure they will be delivered. Why do you suppose someone would steal bills with a check inside? These things are triple checked so that there isn't any way you can pass a bad check.

So rather than buying things on-line with my credit card, I am going to have to use checks. I used to use Paypal until they started buying things under my name such as cash cards. When I refused to pau for those they killed my account with them. Now I was willing to let pass the FIRST occassion that happened but AFTER I warned them that I did not make that purchase, they accepted three more occassions until I changed my credit card. I had the same problem with Amazon.

I had an app on my old desktop that allowed a company to go in and clean out the clutter which was necessary on the old 16 bit desktop so that it would run at a reasonable speed. When I moved the old disk into the new 32 bit desktop, it of course went along with it and I suspect that someone at that clutter cleaner company was using that app to order things via Paypal and Amazon when that dawned on me, I uninstalled it and never had that particular problem again.

But I am not going to settle with Paypal and Amazon AFTER I warned them that I was not ordering these cash services and they continued to sell them to supposedly me.

Paypak was handy since you had a guaranteed lock on your crediut card. And perhaps someone else is not providing a like service since they were so successful.
2025-01-23 10:47:49 UTC
Post by cyclintom
I had an app on my old desktop that allowed a company to go in and
<whatever - paint my computer purple?>
That's called a Trojan. I thought you were computer savvy.
Next you'll be complaining they stole from you...
That's what malware does.
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