Post by cyclintomPost by AMuzi
They could call that the "Liebermann defense". Jeff alleges that he is never wrong, just as a drunk driver is claiming that his crimial act of driving drunk is not a crime if others are also doing it legally on vehicles that do not offer a danger to others.
I don't think you understood.
Riding a bicycle while intoxicated in public places is illegal
in most of the US
Both the victims (cyclists) were much drunker than the driver.
They shouldn't have been there.
I believe he should get a greatly reduced sentence(but not
pardoned, since he was also DUI). Fair is fair.
Curiosity: Anyone killed on a highway in Brazil while
intoxicated is ruled a "suicide", does not matter if on a bicycle or
on foot. And the driver that killed the "victim" can file for damages.
Same law for farm animals or even pets on highways.... owners are
responsible. Which is logical ......
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