Post by AMuziThe hits just keep coming!
E bike or motorbike? Uk press are bit shit at saying e bike when such
things happen and it’s 99% of the time a E moped quite a bit heavier and
faster than even a hacked E bike, they are legal to buy but effective not
use unless on private land that’s yours or have permission to use.
Ie not legal on the roads or the woods, to be be fair most aren’t that bad
though still are moped I pass a few as local businesses has opened up on
the old cycleway, so occasionally encounter a few folks on such mopeds they
are traveling faster than a bike would but not excessively so.
Probably could reach 30mph so I guess potentially could use the road which
is a trunk road, as some roadies do, though that would probably count as
advertising there presence to the police who while will not go looking for
them if one is silly enough to present one’s self to them!
Roger Merriman