Post by Tom KunichPost by Zen CyclePost by cyclintomPost by Zen CycleWow, you're a cranky little bitch today. What's the matter, no booze
and the wife spent your SS check already?
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I absolutely love to see you crying about my wealth bvecause you have none.
And you still haven't explained how you went from being broke and living
on social security in 2013 to reaping a $12000 monthly income off your
investments with no other source of income.
tears of laughter tommy....
Rather than lying about everything that you can, I'll just show them: I
never said I was broke and I never said that I was living on Social
Security alone.
Aug 9, 2013, 11:11:36 AM, *** wrote:
"Trouble is that while I was out of it I sold or gave away almost my
entire bicycle collection. And all of my wardrobe and most of my tools!
And now on Social Security I have to VERY slowly make it up."
Post by Tom KunichI said that during the Great Recession that occurred
during Obama that I lost half of my investments that weren't made up
during Obama's time in office with his 25% inflation over his 8 years.
Liar, you made up that lie after you realized no one was giving you any
credibility. Not to mention your claims of 25% inflation are a lie as
well, the average rate of inflation under Obama was 1.4 %.
Post by Tom KunichDuring Trump I regained my investments BACK to what they were before Obama
and then with far better investment advice I grew it to $1.1 million
despite the 22% inflation during the 4 years of Biden.
<yawn> blah blah tommy bullshit.
Post by Tom KunichI understanjd why you deny that reality is real but then you have nothing
because you do not even have a passing clue of how to handle money.
And yet, I can afford to take international vacations, while you still
grovel in your hovel.
Post by Tom KunichThe
alligator tears you cried when I said that I had been making $233,000
dollars a year showed that you simply canmot believe that a real engineer
can make that sort of money.
no salaried engineer made $233K in the years you were working, with the
possible exception of a principal in a start-up. You weren't a principal
in a startup or you would have bragged about it by now.
Post by Tom KunichAnd even in these times of hardship I have
been offered $200,000/yr to move to Texas.
Hardship - for you. You're broke and living on social security, and no
one offered you a $200K job.
Post by Tom KunichToo bad you can't get anything right - there isn't anything you won't lie
I haven't lied about anything yet.
- you never broke $100K in a year, and even that would have been an
exceptionally generous salary for a high-school dropout with no degree.
Post by Tom KunichExcept that you seem to be so set on me being a drunk that you must
I'm not the one with a drunk driving arrest.
Post by Tom KunichThat you never once referred to having a wife until you had a need to
"prove" that you're not a queer.
No matter how many times you tell that lie, it will never become true.
Post by Tom KunichPoor Liebermann couldn't even support
himself so he couldn't find a wife and everyone else that is married
mentions their wives now and again. But your supreme egotism
Funny, I'm not the one claiming to be have made more than most CEOs,
having a $12000/mo investment income, being a "senior business
consultant", discovering HIV.....
Post by Tom Kunichis the very
mark of homosexuality and even if you're not queer you will surely become
one to torture some insecure person.
lol..."I'll become one to torture some insecure person".....yeah tommy,
that's how it works. People become gay for the purpose of torturing
insecure people...
Post by Tom KunichI had far too much experrience with interviewing queers dying from AIDS to
not recognize the symptoms in you.
No, tommy, you never interviewed gays. Even if you were involved in
high-level development of the PCR, you would not have had any cause to
be involved in the sociological aspect of the homosexual lifestyle. It
would have had absolutely no bearing on any aspect of the development of
the PCR. It's just another lie you tell in hopes that it will get people
to respect you.
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