Post by zen cyclePost by Jeff LiebermannPost by cyclintomPost by cyclintomPost by Jeff LiebermannOn Sun, 03 Nov 2024 19:12:04 -0800, Jeff Liebermann
Post by Jeff LiebermannOn Sun, 3 Nov 2024 20:49:03 -0500, Frank Krygowski
Post by Frank KrygowskiTom's demons are strong and raging today! He's digging back
months to resurrect piles of dead threads so he can hurl more
insults and threats at those who have disrespected him.
Something very bad must have happened at his home. Something
even worse than botching a component installation yet again!
It probably wasn't something "bad". My guess(tm) is that he
sorted his news readers list of articles by name, subject or
instead of by date. It's easy to do by accident. He might have
also turned off threading, which arranges articles on a given
"Subject" into a tree. Without the tree structure, untangling
articles into a logical sequence is rather difficult. The
resulting mess also explains why Tom is switching back and forth
between two newsreaders ( reader and Pan) which
can be identified by his name vacillating between "cyclintom" and
Re:" mess in the subject line. The Windoze version of Pan is
also well behind the current Linux version, which means that Pan
bugs tend to become permanent.
I really wonder about some of Tommy's posts. He goes on and on
about the period he seems to have spent at Guam in support of the
B-52 missions over N Vietnam.
Our base sent people temporary duty to Guam for 90 days and then
they returned and a different group was selected but for whatever
reason they weren't required to go.
So out of a 4 year enlistment some of out guys served in Guam for
3 months but Tommy's post are all about his service in Guam as
though that was the only place he served during his entire 4 year
service... or maybe he was never in the A.F. at all?
I don't know anything about how the USAF operated at the time.
Presumably, it was after he had some training, possibly at Lowry
I didn't know what to think until Tom posted a highly unlikely
fantasy about how the USAF sent avionics for him to fix from
Vietnam to Tom in Oakland and then back to Vietnam. Here's
something on that amazing claim. There's more but it's late and
07/04/2022 <
Post by cyclintomPost by cyclintomPost by Jeff Liebermann"I worked for Bayaire Avionics for 4 years during the Vietnam
Airlift as an avionics technician."
07/04/2022 <
Post by cyclintomPost by cyclintomPost by Jeff Liebermann<>
I'm missing something here. The Vietnam Airlift was in Vietnam.
Bayaire was in Oakland, CA. Did they fly the helicopters back and
forth across the Pacific Ocean?
07/05/2022 <
Post by cyclintomPost by cyclintomPost by Jeff LiebermannMore on Bayaire Avionics.
Jeff, you've never done anything. Please don't try to interpret
things you can't understand. The Vietnam airlift wasn't that ASS
Bidens retreat
from Afghanistan and Iraq which took 2 days and left
hundreds of
Post by cyclintomAmerican behind.
Vietnam was a planned retreat that Nixon planned and not someone
like you who doesn't know anything. All of the Aemrican troops where
broght back as a reduction of force until they were all back
including all of the civilian agencies and most of the South
Vietnamese government who would have been slaughtered.
Why exactly do you lie about everything?
Where did the Air Force send me anything to fix for them? Is your
growing dementia getting these sorts of answers?
What dod Helicopters have to do with anything? All of the American
vehicles were shipped back to the US along with all of the people
that used or maintained them.
The airlift was bout moving people out of South Vietnam.
<> "More than
7,000 people were evacuated by helicopter from various points in
More of the same: <
Post by cyclintomPost by cyclintomUS military was returned to the states via COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT you
stupid twit. And Bayaire Avionics maintained commercial aircraft.
You entire life has been one of bad decision after bad decision. Do
not think for one second that that is normal.
Tom. That's a really great example of you attempting to change the
topic and divert attention away from your mistakes. There is nothing
in your reply that mentions your airlift, the duration of the airlift,
or your 4 years working as an avionics technician. In other words, a
random assortment of unrelated "facts".
The US "military" did not ship avionics equipment 6,800 nautical
miles from Vietnam to Oakland California and back again just so you,
in a commercial avionics shop, could work on military avionics
How would they get their training on military avionics? What happened
to working on Guam?
Post by cyclintomI'm trying to visualize cramming a B-52 into that hangar.
I would be interested in knowing which 4 years you worked for Bayaire
as an avionics technician in Oakland. Was that before, during or
after you were in the USAF?
Tell everyone here what you personally knew about Vietnam that you
didn't get from Wikipedia? I was there and you were hiding.
You were in guam, not vietnam.
Post by Jeff LiebermannYou know nothing about it and pretend you do. You would make a toad
vomit but they are smarter than you and know better than to pay the
slightest attention to you.
You are the only person in the world that thinks that helicopters are
The vietnam airlift wasn't transoceanic.
Post by Jeff LiebermannYou are the only one in the whole world that thinks that the American
presence was 7,000 men in Saigon.
"Although U.S. combat troops departed South Vietnam in
1973......Several thousand U.S. citizens remained in the country at the
Defense Attaché Office at Tan Son Nhut Airport, the U.S. Embassy in
Saigon, and consulates at Da Nang, Nha Trang, Bien Hoa, and Can Tho."
"April 1975, the U.S. Air Force flew 201 C-141 missions and 174 C-130
sorties and evacuated more than 45,000 people from Saigon, including
5,600 U.S. citizens. Still, the U.S. Ambassador, his staff, and many
more U.S. citizens and refugees remained in South Vietnam. They would
have to be evacuated by helicopter, in an operation known as Frequent
Wind. "
Post by Jeff LiebermannNow I don't even believe you were smart enough to change ink jet
printer cartridges. There is a reason you're on welfare.
You would do well to read a little bit of history before embarrassing
yourself yet again.
+1 Even people who read the papers at that time generally miscategorize
and misremember the Saigon evacuation.
At the time of Vietnam and conscription there were only some 9,000,000 men
in the combined services. Of that less than a third saw service in Vietnam.
Liebermann said that the the Vietnam airlift lasted TWO Days and yet I
worked as the sole electronics recovery technician for all of the minor
airlines in the entirety of northern California. Major Airlines like
United and Pan Am had their own crews.
A DC-8 carried about 300 passengers and a Boeing 707 less than 200. Less
than 3 million military served in Vietnam. So just two flights a day of
each would take 16 years to move that many men. And they ALL transferred
through Guam. You know that place that John claims was a sissy place that
only handled hundreds of tone of high explosives every day. Where ONE
mistake could activate and detonate a 2,000 lb bomb. When they were
loading bombers no one was allowed on the flight line but MMS (Munitions
Maintenance Squadron). That was because according to John they were
perfectly safe.
I worked from 1970 for 4 years at Bayaire Avionics. It sickens me that
people like that cowardly Liebermann or Flunky would DARE to make a single
comment about Viernam or deny the CIA running drugs from the poppy fields
in Cambodia when it was coming through Guam on military aircraft and the
recovery crews would wear gas masks to prevent inhailing heroin dust.
Exactly why are people that know nothing about that fucking war, that the
THREAT of JFK to pull out, had the CIA assassinate him? Oswald made the
mistake of saying to the camera, "I was set up" and somehow, oh so common,
a nightclub owner - Jack Ruby just happened to be in the Dallas Police
Department Holding facility and he just happened to avoid police scrutiny
and was armed. He killed Lee Harvey Oswald who was a known CIA sniper and
was condemned to death. Unfortunately he got a mistrial and a chance at a
retrial from a competent lawyer.
Who knows what he would have said. Then it was suddenly claimed that he
had cancer which was KNOWN already to be caused by a simian virus. But
instead when he still had time to sit before a jury, he died of a
pulmonary embolism. Like the Warren Commission, who failed to notice that
JFK was hit both from the back and from the front with two bullets (the
second shooter on the Grassy Knoll) they failed to note that the Pulmonary
Embolism was caused by broken ribs from a night stick clubbing. Why shades
of Epstein where the cameras just happened to be not working or pointing
in the wrong direction and the guards just happened to miss their usual
check on high danger prisoners and he just happened to have an illegal set
of pajamas that just happened to be strong enough to hang himself with.
By the way, just watch the JFK shooting and you can actually see him roll
forward with the Oswald shot and was then thrown backwards by the shot
from the front which was claimed to be a "nothing more than a recoil" from
the first shot. BS - his body recoiling off of the seat in front of him,
would have been slack and slow. Not violently thrown back. Other unfired
bullets were found in the car afterwards. Why didn't the Warren Commission
investigate them?